Friday, May 21, 2010

Mary Madeline Project

I came across this wonderful organization while surfing the web earlier and was so moved by what they are doing that I e-mailed them to offer my help.

Their message:

It is the purpose of the Mary Madeline Project to provide comfort and support to grieving families that have suffered the death of a baby. It was founded in memory of Madeline Marie Erickson who died at seven weeks of age and in honor of all the babies before and after her that have touched our lives.

We are a non-profit organization that donates infant / baby burial gowns and blankets to local hospitals for bereaving  parents.  Women donate their cherished wedding gowns to the project and volunteers give of their time, talents and love by making the baby burial gowns and blankets.

It is very difficult to shop for a baby burial garment when a baby dies. For premature babies, it is often difficult to find something small enough. The baby burial gowns and blankets are given to Neonatal Intensive Care Units for babies who die in the neonatal period.  They are also given to labor and delivery units for stillbirths.

What a wonderful way to remember this little girl...and what comfort it must provide for the parents who are greaving.
I offered to help them sew and I'm posting this on here in hopes that anyone who reads my blog, and can do so, will offer up their time and money.

As the mother of two preemies who came out the other side of the NICU roller coaster ok, I feel this is my way to give back and finally pay forward the words of encouragement that were given to my husband and father just before my emergency c-section at 31 weeks that resulted in the birth of my son.

While waiting for me to recover, my husband and father met a man whose wife was scheduled to have a c-section (with their 5th or 6th child), but I bumped her back :0)  He came over to my family and said, "I overheard your conversation and felt I needed to give you some words of encouragement.  My first son was born at 31 week.  He is now 6 years old, built like a fire hydrant and sharp as a tack."  Four years later, I can still remember his words.  They were the hope that got me through those tough times.

This is how I am paying it forward and I hope you will too.

Happy sewing everyone!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Writers Block

I have some of that dreaded writers block going on.

I have a few ideas started, but that's really all they are: rough ideas.

I can't seem to finish them, nothing I write sounds, well, right.

My husband thinks I may be stressing over it a bit.  Is he right?  Probably. 

So, I'm just going to post a picture of my newest creation:  crocheted headbands.  I used a "C/2 - 2.75MM" hook as well as Aunt Lydia's brand Classic Crochet Thread in a size 10.  I also have some Extra Fine Crochet Thread in a size 30 that I'm going to mess with.

The one below is the one I made for my daughter.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Are you multi-talented?

I was sitting here thinking about how I have more than one talent when it comes to crafting.  I sew, I crochet..I used to know how to knit but I guess I liked crocheting better and just let that skill fall to the way side.

I know a lot of other women who have talent out the wazoo, but can only concentrate on one thing...painting, jewelry making, etc.  And I also know a lot of other women who have talent out the wazoo and they have multiple talents.

Are you multi-talented?  What are your craft talents?

P.S.- I know I haven't posted as much as I was, but I'm working on a few to post in the coming weeks...stay tuned!